The Academy Palma is an officially recognized training center by the University of Cambridge. In our centre we prepare for all the official exams offered by this university.

Whatever level you have and whatever level you are looking to achieve, we have the means to make you achieve your goal: from intensive English courses to private lessons.

With us you will be able to complete the whole process of obtaining your English qualification. Starting with a grammar and oral level test, continuing with the preparatory course and the registration process for the exam and reception of the official degree.

Cambridge offers a great variety of official qualifications depending on the level you want to accredit:

FCE (First certificate in English)

This exam corresponds to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), an upper-intermediate level of English.

This exam uses real-life situations to help you communicate more effectively and learn the skills you need to progress on your path to success. The certificate you obtain by taking this exam is recognised worldwide, and thousands of companies and institutions recognise it as an upper-intermediate level English qualification.

The exam covers all four language skills, as well as knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

The language skills tested are as follows:

-Writing comprehension

-Written expression

-Speaking comprehension


On the B2/First Certificate page you can find more information about this exam.

CPE (Certificate Proficiency in English)

The Cambridge English: Proficiency exam is aimed at level C2, the highest level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Obtaining this certificate shows that you have an English skill that allows you to study and work at the highest level. This qualification demonstrates that you are able to communicate with the fluency and sophistication of a native speaker. Passing this exam results in one of the most highly valued English language qualifications in the world.
The exam consists of four parts that evaluate the four language skills:

-Writing Comprehension and Use of English: Demonstrates that the student is able to understand texts of different styles, as well as demonstrate knowledge and mastery of the English language.

-Writing: Demonstrates that the student is able to write texts of different styles, such as essays and proposals.

-Speaking: Demonstrates that the student is able to understand oral materials of different styles, such as lectures and interviews.

-Oral expression: Shows that the student is able to communicate in a real context. This test is taken in person and with one or two students.

PET (Preliminary English Test)

Miles de personas se preparan para el examen Cambridge English: Preliminary cada año con el fin de mejorar sus perspectivas laborales, de estudio y de viaje. Este examen se corresponde con un nivel B1 del Marco Europeo y demuestra que se posee un nivel intermedio de inglés.

Este examen demuestra que eres capaz de entender la información principal de instrucciones sencillas o anuncios públicos, desenvolverte con seguridad en la mayoría de las situaciones que se dan al hacer turismo en países de habla inglesa, formular preguntas sencillas y participar en conversaciones de carácter objetivo en entornos laborales, escribir cartas y correos electrónicos o tomar notas sobre temas con los que estés familiarizado.

Al igual que el resto de títulos de Cambridge English, el preliminary es un certificado reconocido a nivel mundial, y también abarca las cuatro destrezas lingüísticas básicas así como conocimientos de gramática y vocabulario:

– Comprensión y expresión escritas
– Comprensión oral
– Expresión oral

CAE (Certificate in advanced English)

Cambridge English Advanced is a top quality international English language qualification. Preparation for this exam develops the skills needed to reach the top in both academic and professional settings. This exam is recognised by educational institutions around the world, and having an advanced level of English skills increases employment opportunities.
This exam corresponds to Level C1 of the European Framework, the level needed to succeed academically and professionally.

The exam covers the 4 major language skills as well as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary:

-Writing: Demonstrates your ability to deal confidently with different types of texts. It also allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and command of grammar and vocabulary.

-Writing: Demonstrates that you are able to write different types of texts, such as essays or proposals.

-Oral comprehension: Demonstrates that you are able to follow and understand various oral materials.

-Speaking: Demonstrates your ability to communicate fluently in an everyday oral context.

KET (Key English Test)

Este examen se corresponde con el nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo, y demuestra que se es capaz de utilizar el inglés cotidiano a nivel básico.
Aprobar el examen Cambridge English: Key demuestra que el alumno ha logrado dominar los principios básicos del inglés. Un estudiante que alcanza este nivel de inglés es capaz de entender y utilizar frases y expresiones sencillas, presentarse y responder a preguntas básicas sobre sus datos personales, interactuar con personas de habla inglesa que se expresen despacio y de forma clara o escribir notas cortas y sencillas.
Como todos los certificados de Cambridge, está reconocido por miles de empresas o instituciones a nivel mundial.

Cambridge ofrece varias convocatorias cada año para presentarse a estos exámenes en Mallorca. Una buena preparación y dejarse asesorar por profesionales son elementos clave para asegurarse el éxito en dichas pruebas.
Para ayudarte a preparar estos exámenes oficiales contamos con:

Cursos intensivos.
Clases grupales.
Clases individuales.

Cambridge English Young Learners

The Academy is an examination preparation center officially recognised by Cambridge English. For this reason, we offer official preparation courses for any Cambridge exam.

In the case of children and young people, we offer preparation courses for the Young Learners, KET, PET, First (FCE) and Advanced (CAE) exams.

Cambridge English Young Learners:

These exams help children to know and learn the English language, and to demonstrate what they know and to obtain official certificates that recognize their level of English from the first moment. We consider them to be the best tool to motivate children to improve themselves every day.

Young Learners is a set of motivational tests made up of activities specially designed for elementary and high school students. Thanks to these exams, each student’s progress in English can be checked according to internationally recognized standards.

The exams cover real-life situations that bring learning closer and allow it to be applied to everyday life. They are composed of close and interesting topics, which are designed to develop the skills that children need to communicate in English.

There are three different level tests – Starters, Movers, Flyers – that will help children follow a clearly defined path to progress in learning English.

The Starters test corresponds to a beginner’s child level.

The Movers test corresponds to level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The Flyers exam corresponds to CEFR level A2.

Once students reach a higher level than that assessed in these exams, they can pass to the rest of the Cambridge exams.

Cambridge English: KET, PET, FCE
These are the best known Cambridge exams.

FCE For Schools ( fFirst For Schools): This is a level B2 exam, which corresponds to an upper-intermediate level of English, and covers the four language skills as well as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. The subject matter of the texts that appear on the exam, as well as the vocabulary, are adapted to come closer to the type of student who takes this exam: the teenage student.

PET For Schools: This exam corresponds to an intermediate level, a B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Like the other Cambridge exams, it evaluates the four language skills as well as grammar and vocabulary, always adapted to the ages of the students taking this exam.

KET For Schools: In this case it is evaluated at level A2 of the CEFR. This is a pre-intermediate level. It also evaluates the four language skills adapted to the pre-intermediate level and to the ages of the adolescent student taking this exam.

The Academy Palma conducts official preparation courses for all these exams. We offer individual and small group courses to ensure that children are well prepared and can achieve the best results in all their official exams.

Contact us for more information about our examinations and preparatory courses for children.


La Rambla, 8 – 1ºa
07003 Palma de Mallorca

+34 971 72 56 71