
Como preparar una entrevista en inglés

By 12 junio, 2020 noviembre 12th, 2020 No Comments

Nos encantó conocerte ayer, aquí te damos una pequeña guía con las cosas que deberías tener en cuenta para tu próxima entrevista en inglés. De todos modos sabes que estamos en Las Ramblas 8 en Palma y que nos tienes a tu disposición con muchos horarios diferentes, tanto de grupos como de clases individuales.

Ahora nos centraremos en la entrevista cara a cara (face to face).

Lo más importante es que no sientas vergüenza en hablar en inglés, de verdad, no pasa nada. Tómatelo con calma. Te ayudamos con las frases típicas que te harán en la entrevista:

  • Sobre ti mismo:
  • – How would you describe yourself?¿Cómo te describirías a ti mismo?
  • – Why are you interested in the job? ¿Por qué estás interesado en el trabajo?
  • Sobre tu preparación para el puesto:
  • Why do you think I should hire you? ¿Por qué crees que debería contratarte?
  • – What do you know about our company? ¿Qué sabes de nuestra empresa?
  • Sobre tu formación académica:
  • – What did you study? ¿Qué has estudiado?
  • – What other fields are you interested in? ¿En qué otros campos estás interesado?

Ahora te mostramos una de las posibles respuestas que puedes dar:

1. Can you tell me something about yourself?

«I´m a hardworking, responsible person quien love working with other people. I have been working as a X for X years but I´m looking for a new challenge right now. Apart from that, I´m keen on sports, travelling…»

2. What do you know about our company?

I´m really interested in the job description. I´m sure I can fit perfectly well in your company and I will be very proud to work for the team

3. Can you tell me something about your education?

I studied in X, I enjoyed a lot what I studied but also I think it´s always good to keep updating your knowledge. In addition, I think I learn fast and I´m always ready and willing to learn».

4. Can you tell me something about your work experience?

Though I habe worked in many different jobs and I´ve learned many useful things from each one of them, I will briefly mention the most relevant ones …….. I´m sure that I can apply the knowledge I achieved during that time, in your company».

5. Why should we hire you?

«Well, as you can see from my CV, I have a wide experience. I´m sure I accomplish all the requirements for this job and I can be very helpful for your company».

6. What are your strongs points?

«I have good communication skills», «I´m very organized», «I have a proactive attitude», «I´m very good at decision making and problem solving».

7. What are your weaknesses?

«I usually trust people too much and I always try to help everyone. However, I´m learning tha you cannot always trust other and sometimes, you just have to say no».

8. Can you tell me some of your goals in a near future?

«I hope to be promoted in some years and keep improving within the company. I do thinks this company is the right place for me to archieve my goals».

9. What salary do you expect to have?

«You should know that money is not the main reason for me to apply for this job. I love challenges. I love learning. I work hard and I´m willing to work. However, if you ask me to give you a figure… I guess that the average for a job position like this is between X an XY. So I think a figure around this would be a fair one».

Cosas a tener en cuenta más allá del idioma:

  • La puntualidad
  • El saludo
  • La apariencia
  • Respetar el turno de palabra
  • No hablar de temas tabú

Y sobre todo, sé natural, no te preocupes, es una entrevista de trabajo y les interesa tu CV por eso han decidido llamarte. Habla en inglés de manera natural y todo irá bien.